Mourning with UCC

I managed to lose my phone this morning. When I found it in my son’s school parking lot it had already been run over. The screen was crushed, and broken shards of glass threatened to slip from the case. I was irritated, but consoled myself with, “Oh well, does...

Epic Hike to Mystic Lake

Outdoor Enthusiast is an inclusive kind of guy. Like, almost to a fault. Outdoor Enthusiast: I’ve been experimenting in the kitchen with apples from our backyard. I made my first apple crisp. Friend: Congratulations. That sounds delicious. Outdoor Enthusiast:...

Happy Birthday Agatha Christie

When I was in college someone passed on their used Agatha Christie collection to me. Mostly I felt a little indignant when I read the first one. Not because someone had given me used books. (You should know me better than that.) But because I hadn’t been introduced...

The Reluctant Wife of an Outdoor Enthusiast

I like the outdoors. Really I do. But not like my husband. He can’t stand to stay indoors for very long. And by very long I mean more than three minutes. He can’t sit still. He gets stir-crazy. I can literally feel the anxious energy, like his sanity is...

Mystery on the Menu

(All images used are either mine or public domain. There’s an unspoken rule about book covers…publishers and authors alike love to have their books promoted as much as possible. So while the artwork is copyrighted, it’s also generally considered fair...

Number One Fan

I don’t have much experience interacting with famous people. The few times it’s happened I feel like Chris Farley interviewing Paul McCartney. Chris Farley: Remember when you were with the Beatles? Paul McCartney (laughing): Sure. Sure. Chris Farley: That was...
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