The doorbell rings right after breakfast in the summertime. Four pairs of pounding feet rush for the door, trying to be the first to turn the knob. I don’t even bother checking the door. It’s not for me. Our neighbor has come down to play. The other day...
I mentioned in an earlier post that I look to other writers to get better at the craft of writing. Here are 3 resources that I’ve found helpful: On Writing by Stephen King I’m not into the horror that Stephen King writes so I tend to shy away from his...
One afternoon I was trying to finish up a scene I was working on. I was keeping one eye on the clock, knowing I had to pick up kids from school, and trying to eek out every last minute I had left before running out the door. I was meeting with my critique partner...
Reader Ann Marie commented that putting words on a page can have a sense of permanence. She expressed the fears that I think are pretty typical for writers. I could relate anyway. “What if they don’t approve? Why should I care? Augh!” Do you get the same...
A family member recently commented to me that she would love to write. But she said it in a way that implied that ship had long sailed. We were both in the middle of taking care of kids on opposite ends of the phone so the conversation didn’t last long. But...
(Post originally appeared June 2013 on author Tali Nay’s blog here.) I rolled out of bed while the house was still quiet to work on this brain child that I keep obsessing over. (Why won’t characters leave you alone once you get them down on paper?) I...
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