Today I sent off the most polished version of the first ten pages of Clever Elsie that has ever existed. Wish her luck! I’m going to a writer’s retreat in May, and part of that experience will be reading those ten pages out loud to a small group of people...
Clever Elsie is the name of a Grimm’s tale. After I stumbled across it I found myself kind of obsessing about it. This poor girl. She needed a happy ending! (Would it have really killed you to fudge the ending Grimm boys?) So I started to create a story for Elsie....
I am a woman. I know a lot of women. I have many sisters and a mom and grandmas and aunts and cousins and friends and teachers who are all women. I feel like something of an expert on the subject. If you’re excited about the direction this is going, let me be clear...
The experience and wisdom of a high school teacher is not a thing to take lightly. I learned to sew in Mrs. Patterson’s Home Economics class. We spent the semester making pin cushions, mastering the slip stitch, making pillows, and learning the art of the sewing...
A friend recently asked me if I make any money when I blog. The answer: Nope. Which means I’m probably doing it wrong. Instead my goal is to create something of an online presence and establish some credibility among readers. Then when I finally get something out...
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